Contrary to popular belief, most car accidents don’t come from environmental causes like rain or poor street lighting. Car collision crashes are mainly due to careless drivers on the road, so signing up for car insurance is necessary for people living in dense cities.
Although having car insurance protects your car in the aftermath of an accident, how much provisions you’ll receive will depend on how you file your claim. Some drivers who don’t know how to settle their claims end up receiving next to nothing by unintentionally committing crucial mistakes. For this reason, it’s important to educate yourself on what pitfalls you should avoid when claiming auto insurance.
How to utilize your car insurance properly
Like car accidents, most mistakes in claiming auto insurance comes from human error. Simply having the best insurance plan for your vehicle doesn’t always mean you’re in the clear for the potential damages your car can receive. On the contrary, how well you take note of the information and communicate with your insurance provider weighs more than the type of premium you have.
If you want to make the most out of your car insurance, here are three auto insurance claim mistakes you should avoid:
1. Filing insurance claims for minor damages
You don’t need to report every car crash that your car experiences, especially if your vehicle only has minor damages. For example, collision coverage is one reason why you should avoid claiming for insurance. There are cases when your repair cost is much less than your deductible amount. In these scenarios, you’ll hardly gain anything from filing an auto insurance claim. This is why it’s best to reserve your insurance claims for major accidents that are much harder to handle financially.
2. Missing out on taking evidence
If you believe that your car is due for sizeable repairs, it’s necessary to immediately contact your insurance agency. Waiting too long on your insurance claim can make it harder for you in the long term. This is why it’s best to get everything you need when an accident happens.
Record all information, from taking testimonies, official police records, and documenting weather conditions and vehicle damage. Doing so will ensure that you have a strong case to defend, whether in court or to your insurance agency. The more complete your evidence is, the easier it will be for your insurance agency to view the “big picture” of the accident.
3. Downplaying your injuries and car damages
Understandably, many car owners think that small accidents are harmless and manageable. However, saying that you’re “Just fine” after an accident can negate any leeway you may have on how much provisions you’ll receive. It’s best to refrain from using these statements and let a medical professional diagnose your condition objectively.
Alternately, you also shouldn’t exaggerate your damages. Remember that most intersections have traffic cameras. Additionally, your accident may have some witnesses who can invalidate your wrongful claims. You should be as accurate as possible without providing any subjective insights that don’t have evidence to back them up.
Purchasing car insurance is your responsibility and privilege as a car owner, which is why you must know when to use it properly. Since it’s a safeguard for potential accidents, you must know how to assess your situation accurately to receive the appropriate compensation. Besides being a vigilant motorist, part of having a successful claim is partnering up with a reliable insurance agency. Finding the right insurance premium for you will be an excellent way to prepare for the unexpected.
Quesurance is a US-based insurance agency that provides the best car insurance quotes to protect your vehicle. Get in touch with us today, and our insurance experts will find the right premium for your needs!