4 Tips to Save Money When Purchasing a Flood Insurance Policy – Our Guide

By September 23, 2020Uncategorized

Of all the types of insurance policies available, flood insurance is generally the most expensive a homeowner can ever have. However, when you understand how much damage water can cost you, the price can easily be justified.

That said, this does not mean you should purchase the most expensive flood insurance policy you can find. There are many ways you can save on it and still enjoy a policy to protect your home. Here is how you can save money when purchasing a flood insurance policy:

1. Live in elevated areas

If your home is already located in flood-prone areas, moving somewhere else may be more expensive than buying insurance. However, if you consider all the costs that may come from flood damage, it might be sensible to do so.

If you decide to move to more elevated areas, you can cut your premiums significantly. As a bonus, you will not have to deal with flooding as often or at all.

2. Compare your options

You will generally find two types of flood insurance policies: public and private. Public insurance is usually controlled by government bodies, while independent companies offer private insurance.

As for which options are cheaper, public insurance is generally more affordable. However, this is not always the case, so take the time to look at public and private options. Also, keep in mind that while private options can be costlier, they come with many benefits that can prove beneficial.

3. Install your appliances higher

Insurers will generally charge you higher premiums if they find that many of your appliances such as HVAC, plumbing, and the like are in flood zones in your home. For this reason, you should install your appliances away from these flood zones, if possible. This ensures that the appliances are safe from any flood damage, lowering your premiums significantly.

4. Flood-proof your home

Flood-proofing your home is a great way to minimize the damage a flood may do to your home and lower your insurance premiums. There are a few ways you can flood-proof your home, one being wet flood-proofing and the other being dry flood-proofing.

With wet flood-proofing, you utilize measures that keep your home away from as much damage as possible when the house is already flooded. With dry flood-proofing, you keep your home as dry as possible. Both can lead to much lower insurance premiums and are great ways to save on your flood insurance.


By putting effort into making your home safe from floods as possible and comparing multiple options, you can save plenty of money when paying for flood insurance policies.

If you are struggling to look for the best policies to satisfy your needs and fit your budget, feel free to work with an agent! Working with an agent is a great way to discover affordable flood insurance policies. In addition to that, you can quickly learn what kind of coverage is best for your home, and the agent can even suggest ways you can take advantage of discounts and lower premiums whenever possible.

Quesurance is an insurance agency that offers various quotes for any of your needs, from flood quotes to auto quotes. If you are looking for flood insurance quotes in the US, reach out to us today!

Quesurance Group

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